Thursday 11 December 2008

hello december!

oh wow..i just realized i didnt write anything the whole of november..been really bz..with studies i suppose..didnt actually go anywhere other than portsmouth to shop!!hahaha!yes..yumn was here in southampton over the weekend..other than was just a normal same old routine every week..huh..buhsan sungguh bile citer pasal study nih..tak abes2...y am i still here???? =(

yeah..itulaa buktinyeee kami mmg giler shopping!!hahaha!no matter how we grumble about not having enuff money..dat doesnt stop us from I always say it.."shopping is the BEST therapy"...u'll tend to forget ur problems..utk sementara laa..pastu baru sakit pale pk pasal budget utk nxt month yg makin sket and studies again..*sigh*..

anyway, its now december..and so many things happen in december..happened and is going to happen..hehehe!1st recap..went to the hospital for my 2nd scan..oh, didnt i tell u dat i'm pregnant? in the 5th month..another 4months to go!!yippeee!!had the scan..alhamdulillah everything seemed normal..kate org yg scan tuh..nmpk cam gurl..sbb xnmpk dier punye tuuttttt..hehehe!i dun mind gurl or boy..asalkan ader zuriat yg sehat and cukup sifat..and menjadi penyeri rumahtangga kami nih..insyaAllah..amin..

2nd thing..i celebrated bday wif my dear hubby..our bday beza by 2 days jer..mine on da 8th, his on da, we decided to do a double celebration..actually it was triple sbb raya haji dis year falls exactly on my bday..(kalau kat msia nih..sure best sbb cuti on my bday!!kat sini I have to attend a full 1week course plak tuh..tensen betul!)huhuh..celebrated ber2 je kat umah..but, it was really "sweet & romantic"..!!he actually surprised me wif flowers..besides dat..i got a bday card and a set of euphoria blossom perfume!thank u sayang!!heheh..on my part, i got him a pair of adidas shoes..his feveret brand! and a card..didnt get him flowers xsesuai jer..hahaha!but..i actually baked my 1st ever chocolate cake..just for him!!bley laa tahan for 1st timer..bagi org lain rase pon..kate sedap!hahaha!*blush* blush* will be one of our most memorable celebration since after kawen laa..=)

lg..hrmm..ape ek?oh yes....we had christmas social event for my department..well..ape je bley mkn kan?but..overall i enjoyed it..share2, still harus jugak masuk bab research2 nih..arrggghh!!must every topic be related to our phd thingy?oh my..pnat pnat..otak dah overload!hahaha!(padehal baru 3months..apehallll??) =p

p/s: the 2 ladies yg kepit i tuh..are my supervisors..yeeee..both pompuan..huhuhu!Ya Allah, permudahkan laa segala urusan PhD kami..(me, hubby and our friends)..aminn!!

and parents are coming!!yippeeee!!!that wraps up my events in december..hehehe!they'll be here for 2weeks..but we'll be staying in london for a week and my parents and lil bro will come over to soton plak..hehehe!bilik kecik pon kecik laa..asalkan they're here wif me!! =) really looking fwd to meet up with them..its been 6months since me and hubby pijak di bumi UK nih..*sigh*

hehe..pjg nyeee post dis time..alhamdulillah, mudah2an Allah sentiasa permudahkan segala urusan kami di sini and sentiasa beri ketenangan jiwa berada berjauhan dgn family..aisshh..sedey seeehhh...

till my nxt post..mwah mwah!
