Saturday 28 January 2012

bila hati terasa sayu..

its been a while since i've updated my blog..tersangat busy lg2 wif da little one is out now..alhamdulillah she's 2months now..and her name is Mysara Yalina binti Mohamad Yazis..born on 19th November 2011..

so many things in my mind..espcially da thought of getting our phd done as soon as possible and blk msia..i really miss my parents and my late brother..bila dok sorang2 nih (of course baby teman skali)..mula laa hati rasa sayu..lg2 mengenangkan phd yg xsettle2, elauns dah nak abes..babysitter mysha dah makin sarat and almost due..nnt sape nak jage mysha time kitorg bz ngadap thesis?haiihhh..

lg menyedihkan bile mysha tell tokpa on da fon.."tokpa..come here please..daddy do work, mummy do work..mysha no fren..mysha boring"..rasa nak nangis bile dengar dier ckp camtuh..but wat mummy and daddy can do..i know u have to sacrifice for us sayang..mummy and daddy mintak maaf xdpt nak main wif mysha 24/7..we're struggling here sayang..nak cepat2 blk msia so dat u can see tokpa and tokma..hope later when u're grown up, u'll understand this sacrifice..

dugaan demi dugaan..Ya Allah..kau kuatkan lah hati kami dan lindungi lah kami. kami memohon yg terbaik dari Mu Ya Allah..

doakan kami (me and hubby) dpt lulus phd and blk msia for gud..i just miss my family so much!!
