Monday 6 December 2010

Happy Birthday Mr Hubby!

its 6th december..happy birthday to mr hubby!u're my 3rd supervisor!ekekeke..i wanna grow old wif u..wif lotssssssssss of kids!hehehe..luv u sooo much sayang..

i hope u liked da card and shirt dat i gave u..mwah mwah! =D

Tuesday 23 November 2010

a little update

starting last week..i had to travel to london or soton on my own..since kak sal still ada to take care of mysha..and i xsmp hati nak amik mase mr hubby utk drive ulang alik..confirm pnat da whole, i decided to take the train..lgpon, xdelaa pnat sangat sbb duduk je dlm train tuh..smp station terus amik bas ke dlm campus..konon2 dlm train bley laa baca2 journal sket..hehe!erkss..its almost end of november..pastu masuk december..uwaaaa..sekejap je dah nak new year!phd xsettle lagik nih..aiseymann..risau risau!

anyway, saje nak upload few pics of my little girl..utk tatapan keluarga di malaysia yang rindukan cucu sulung diorang nih..hehe!

tengoklaa anak dara nih..tonggeng2 gini..suke sangat bukak seluar or tights dier sendiri..dahlaa sejuk2 nih..

yeay..mysha's 1st visit to the dentist..she's been a gud girl..tak nangis langsung!

myshanye rambut dah boleh ikattttttttttttt!!tapi tak leh nak tahan 10 minit pon..sure akan cabut getah tuh..huhu!

doakan kitorang lulus stadi ni..insyaAllah we've got another year to go!permudahkan segala urusan kami di sini..aminnnn!!

Monday 25 October 2010

mysha's telling a story!

anybody understand wat she's trying to story us?hehehe..=p

mama and papa luvs u so much mysha!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

so many things to do..yet so little time..

uwarrggghhhhh!!its been a while since i've updated the blog..been really busy..antaranye...busy mencube resepi itu ini..hahahah!maklumlaa..baru nak belajar masak..busy with studies..aka PhD yang tak settle2 lagik nih..busy menjage anak..ekekeke! many things to do..yet so little time..doa2 mudah2an Allah permudahkan urusan kitorang di perantauan nih..i've got exactly a year and I should be done with my, mampukah abes on time?hrmm..we'll wait and see..based on my progression..mcm tak sempat..uwarrgghh!!nnt elauns dah takde..camne nak hidup?camne nak bayar sewa?camne nak beli makanan?camne nak shopping?huhuhu..caiyok caiyok..kene gaks capai target..although slow..but harap2nye aderlaa progression jugak..daripada kosong kan..hrmm..

i really miss my be honest, i really miss my mum and dad..miss having them here with us..main2 with mysha..and i am really sure mysha pon miss tokma and tokpa dier..dis little girl dah pandai sebut banyak perkataan dah..and dier suke nyanyi..sambil kerut2 dahi..hehehe!tp xpenah dapat nak record coz everytime i have the camera on, she'll go towards the, xdelaa yg dpt direkod..huhu!

uwaaaaaaaaaaa...nak balik malaysiaaaaaa...or nak papa and mama datang siniiiiiiiiiiiii...rindu rindu rindu!am crying while writing this post.. ='(

nnt smbg lain..xde mood laa arini..later!


Friday 1 October 2010

makan makan..makan lagik! from one of my previous entry..i've confessed that i'm not good in the, since my parents balik..rajin plak buat makan2 kat cardiff nih..haha!ntah kenape ntah..padehal bkn reti masak sgt..seronok kot dpt kumpul wif frens ramai2 and borak2..release tension..since 1st syawal, every weekend smp esok (sabtu)..ader lagik jemputan open house!org2 kat sini they tend to invite da whole cardiff keluarga for open, in my case..i xlarat nak masak, kene jemput sket2 dulu..and xdpt nak jemput semua skali...besides, xde periuk belanga yg besar!huhu..last nite buat mkn2 again..we invited rizal & family, kak zu & family and kak gee & was sort of a farewell dinner for rizal since he's going back to msia for good!harap2nye next year's our turn balik msia for good!insyaAllah..aminnnnn!!bln syawal ni mkn lg banyak sbb asyik2 aderrrrrrrrrr je open house!huhu..

uwaaaaa!!tetibe teringat kat keje yg bertimbun2 nih..serabutnyeeee!!tired tired..:'(

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Salam Aidilfitri

i hope its still not too late to wish all the Muslims..Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..Maaf zahir batin..ampun maaf jika ada tersalah kata..tersinggung perasaan..terkutuk..termengata..terguris hati..secara sengaja atau tak sengaja..

dis year beraya kat cardiff..last year kat southampton..its a great new experience for us..dpt kenal kwn2 baru plak kat sini..seronok dgn pegi beraya umah kwn2..pon seronok..makan makan dan makan lagik..hehe!

tp yg hubby ni sakit perut plak..3rd day raya mr hubby cirit birit..5th day raya muntah2 plak..dah xde cirit birit..hrmm..nak kate salah mkn..ape dier mkn, kite pon mkn jugak..huhu!perut mengada laa tuh..ekekeke!

get well soon ye sayang..i xde mood nak buat keje bile tgk u xsehat..i need my 3rd supervisor to get well as soon as possible!huhu..

Tuesday 7 September 2010


huhu..i've got a huge confession.."i dont know how to cook"!huhu..oklaa..oklaa..bukan laa xtau masak langsung..masak maggi, telur goreng, masak nasi..tue boleh..haha!but, nak masak lauk2..buat kuih ke ape..mmg xreti..baru sekarang nih..(bln puasa) ni laa blaja masak lauk itu ini..itupon xtentu jadik..kdg2 jadik..kdg2 xjadik..sian mr hubby..=p

i'm the only girl in the family..ikutkan patutnye yg paling terer masak laa sbb ni je yg nak diharap tolong mama kat, dulu mase nak tolong mama masak..sure mama akan ckp..xyah xyah tolong mama..mama nak tolong buat bende lain..haha!so, in the end, i end up washing the dishes, and ironing clothes and lipat baju..basuh toilet pon ye..haha!i can do other house chores..vacuum, tang masak..alamak..FAIL laa..=(

then mase kat UiTM final semester, dpt dok umah, dok umah sewa dgn my yumn and dier sgt pandai masak..but then mase stadi bz and dok shah alam tuh..byk kedai, xyah buang masa masak je kat kedai tapau..haha!another chance to blaja masak gone!

then mase masters..smbg stadi kat UK..ingatkan bley laa blaja masak jugak..aleh2 dpt hostel serumah dgn yumn and yan (hostel kitorang cam rumah, sbb there's 4 rooms and 1toilet, share kitchen,tp dlm campus)..ahahaha!mereka ni mmg laa terer giler masak!confirm2 laa my duty is to potong sayur, kopek bawang or basuh pinggan..haha!tp, intai2 jugaklaa camne diorang masak..but, kalau nak suruh masak sendiri..serius xreti..erkks!i know..teruk kan?

smp mase decided nak kawen pon..i even told my future hubby (mase tuh tgh kapel)..dat i xtau masak..nak ke kawen dgn org xtau masak?hahahaha!ho laa..kene bgtau awal2..biar dier tau so dat he didnt expect too much..oh well, he said xpe..masak bley, umo dah bape nih..still xblaja2 lagik..huhu!then lepas kawen, still stay umah my, harap kat my mum lagik yg masak..aisshh!mmg xmasuk dapur, pnah skali gorengkan mihun for him..terrendam lame sgt..aleh2 hancur mihun tuh!hahahaha!but u know wat?he actually ate it!i told him..xmo mkn laa..mihun tuh dah hancur2 mcm nak bg ayam mkn jer..he said..ape plak..its still mihun..and dier mkn abes..camne laa tak sayang kat org camtuh..ekekekeke!

then dtg UK again for PhD..okeh..blaja masak, since 1st year time pregnant tuh dok sorang (i'm in southampton and mr hubby kat cardiff)..selalu masak simple2 jer utk mkn sorang..mihun sup laa..kueyteow tomyam laa..pastu mr hubby dok mengidam mkn nasi goreng mama (resepi my mum)and ayam, selalu gaks buat menu tuh..heh..smp sudah xblaja masak lauk lain..haha!

then bila dah boleh stay parents plak datang in march 2009..sbb nak tunggu 1st cucu ni rite EDD april 2009..haha!mama ader..ape lagik..gantung periuk belanga lagik..mama took full charge of da dapur..until laa about a month ago (aug 2010), mama blk msia and xtau lg bile nak dtg sini..

haaaa..bermula laa episod blaja memasak..lagi2 bln puasa..itu rase nak mkn..ini rase nak mkn..xde param laks tuh!tp, nak bersilat lame2 kat dapur susah kecik nih still, kalau time dier nak tdo tuh..mmg akan mengamuk selagi xdpt susu..huhu!alhamdulillah dpt mr hubby yg penyayang, penyabar and tak memilih..telannnnnnnnn je ape mrs wifey ni masak..huhu!

kire mmg intensive kene masak laa..everyday dok tgk blog ape nak mkn utk berbuka..kdg2 masak jadik, kdg2 masak xjd..xpelaa..its part of da learning process rite?hehe..pastu mr hubby kate nak ajak kwn dtg berbuka kat umah..dulu kalau ader org nak dtg umah, mmg menggelabah laa sbb xtau nak masak ape..hahahha!tp kelmarin, alhamdulillah rase gelabah tuh xde sgt sbb dah biase masak everyday kot..cume, risau takut terlebey garam or tertawar plak..alhamdulillah for the very 1st time in my life..buat mkn2 buka puasa..bkn mama yg, my ownself!haha!and da menu for dat day is ayam bakar, ikan patin masak lemak cili padi, paprik campur, sayur goreng, sambal belacan, keropok goreng, kek pisang and kuih sagu..pastu yg dtg bwk rendang hati and kuih2 lain..penuh gaks meja! hubby puas hati..he even said..pasni bley laa ajak kwn2 ramai2 dtg umah lagik..haha!, kalau tetibe hari tuh masak lauk tak menjadik..ya ampun ek!hehe..

its exciting kalau kite masak kalau xmenjadi..nnt mood akan jd agak merundum..huhu!gmbr nnt2 laa upload eh..tak transfer lg from da camera..lgpon arini serabut tuan umah ntar org betulkan boiler..rimas serabut bunyi bising..drill laa ape laa..sian mysha nak terganggu tdo..cepat2laa settlekan boiler tu abg2 mat salleh weh..

p/s: mysha even said..i can cook!huhu..comelkan?bley suruh mysha masakkan mama rendang ayam and kuah kacang raya nnt!hahaha!


Monday 6 September 2010


sedey!frust!tensen!geram!!!ggrrrrr!!!another few days nak raye..i should be excited kan?hrmm..i was really really excited to receive a parcel from my parents today..ader kuih raye, kerepek2, baju raye & few other, yg paling sedey is pasal baju raya thn nih..uwarrrgghhh!!1stly dah laa baju raya mysha labuh giler..smp ke kaki ok!!then my hubby laks try his baju melayu..baju dier extra lebar 2 inches and seluar extra labuh 4inches!ape ke halnye dgn tailor kitorang nih!!!adehh..xde harapan laa nak pakai baju baru raye nih..*sob sob* xde rezeki..=(

Wednesday 18 August 2010

mysha's little pink horsie!yeehaawww..

mysha's new little horsie..

mysha's a clever girl..=)

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Ramadhan is back!

alhamdulillah..bertemu semula's da 1st day of ramadhan aka 11th Aug..hrmm..dis year kene puasa almost 18hours!subuh at 3.24am, maghrib at 8.45pm!huhu..menguji kesabaran dan keimanan menahan lapar dan dahaga..=p kene start belek2 website myresepi carik idea nak berbuka ape!owh how i miss pasar ramadhan!

to all muslims, selamat berpuasa dan berterawikh!semoga ibadat kita diterima dan diberkati oleh-Nya..=)

utk tokpa and tokma, mysha rindu both of u..skarang ni asyik meragam jer..rase sunyi kot..dis picture shows kasihnya mysha to tokpa!ehehe..dok suap tokpa makan..=p

and a goodbye kish from tokma and tokpa..*sob sob*


Wednesday 4 August 2010


ok..not dat i've gone shopping..i just want to go shopping!!mr hubby..jom pi shopping this weekend..or window shopping pon bley laa..hehe!been working on my 2nd paper..pale serabut semua..bgn tdo terus ngadap keje..nak tdo pon teringat keje..uwarrgghh..bilelaa nak siap 2nd paper week nak puasa dah..another year puasa and raya in UK *sigh* by right, next year should be our last raya in UK..hopefully we get to finish our PhD on time..aminnn!!

another update..we've started sending mysha to our friend's house (malaysian friend). she's got a helper to take care of her, kitorang pon ntar least she got frens to play with..sorry mysha..mama xsampai hati nak ntar mysha rumah org lain, tp papa and mama bz sgt dgn research nih..mysha be gud ye..

p/s: since mysha dah dpt kaki nih..xmo kene dukung..kalau dukung, ngamuk!huhu..another video of her at a shopping outlet..

Tuesday 27 July 2010


Al-fatihah buat ibunda mentua tercinta, Hajjah Samyah bt Haji Mokri yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 27/7/2010, 7.30pm. Semoga roh beliau ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman..Amin.


Thursday 22 July 2010

Bz beeee!!

why have i been so bz dis year?hrmm..let me recap what's been happening since..hrmm..end of last year?

end of Nov: went back to Msia..dpt celebrate raya haji at hubby's kampung at kuala kurau, perak..and its mysha's first time travel naik flight..she was 6months + at dat time..

dec: hrmm..our plan to manchester and liverpool got cancelled due to heavy snow..aiyaahh..exactly on da date we booked da hotel plak tuh..xde rezeki..

jan: lil bro were not, went to visit him in dublin..

feb: bz packing things..nak pindah rumah from southampton to cardiff..huhu!just pack barang2 dlm kotak and angkut barang gune removal!although u hef to pay..but senang keje..hehe!

march: moved to cardiff..needs to unpack things!baju, barang2 dapur, toy2 mysha, brg2 shopping..muahahaha!

apr: mysha is 1 years old..alhamdulillah..yumn and yan came down from edin and york..helped me out buat mkn2 sempena bday mysha..tq gurls!!

may: balik msia again..hubby's got to do data collection..but we went back for only 3 weeks..huhu!xpuassssssssssssssssss!!managed to attend my fren's wedding..edana & reza..congratulations korang..glad i could make it to ur wedding..=)

june: blk UK, went to dublin for lil bro's convocation..alhamdulillah..

july: family europe trip!!yeahh..along dtg UK and we went to manchester, liverpool, paris, brussel and amsterdam..oh, and also fruit gi kutip strawberries jer..hehe!oh..and my best fren's wedding!!!i didnt get to attend though..sbb kat msia..congratulations to yumn & khairul..semoga kekal hingga ke syurga..and my mum's bday..i got her a customised bday card and customised mug..with our pictures..serius chantek ok!and a chocolate bday cake..ekekeke!nak buat topping ntah mane papa simpan kotak yg ader piping bag and da, xdapeklaa nak blaja buat deco..huhu!

dats how da cake looked like..hahahahaha!serius xcreative..oh blimey!

hrmm..i guess dats about it really..dat was my bz schedule..haha!sambil2 tuh buat jugak research yg xpnah settle nih..sekelip mata jer dah nak masuk august..and almost ramadhan..agak2 dis year dpt puasa penuh tak ek?since still fully breastfeed mysha..we'll see how it goes..harap2nye dptlaa puasa penuh..insyaAllah..

there's another video of a flying kiss..nak dedicate this video to kak ida laa..she has left southampton for good..she's got her PhD!!!!alhamdulillah..doakan kami yg masih berjuang plak..hehe!flying kish from mysha to auntie nurlida..

dats all for now..babai!


Tuesday 20 July 2010

wet cardiff

well..its summer and its been really hot since june..but today its starting to feel rained da whole day today in cardiff..oh how i miss the this nice cold weather..i dont like it when it's winter..when its really really cold!!!and when it snows coz everywhere seems to be slippery..but i like the weather to be just nice..not too hot..not too cold..=)

my next supervision meeting is on 26th July..oh my..what should i say to my supervisor..what is it to discuss..i'm now panicking!huhu..need to get back to work then..later!!

dats a video when mysha is asked to baca doa everytime before she eats and drink..=)

dats another video..mysha learning to walk..


Monday 19 July 2010

i'm back!!

Ya Allah!dah bape bulan tak update blog nih?huhuhu!dah berhabuk dah blog tell u da truth, i've been really busy..seriously busy with daily routines plus serabut pasal research..aduhai..its a never ending story i tell u..huhu!and when there's so many things going on in ur makes u worry and it'll stop u from concentrating on the thesis..eekksss!!

i've actually got another year and 2months to be exact!but i'm not even done with my 2nd paper..uwarrgghh!*gelabah mode*anyway, put aside cerita2 serabut..i wanna cherish what i have now..maybe not perfect..but i'm thankful..alhamdulillah..=)

my little mysha is now 1 year 3 months (almost)..she has started to make few steps..paling banyak so far dah 13 langkah..alhamdulillah..quite excited bila tengok si kecik tuh terkedek2 jalan..haha!tp at times dier xmo prektis jalan..still nak merangkak..mebbe bcoz she can move faster by crawling (well, at this stage)..nnt dah terer jalan..siap lari2 plak..huhu!different baby have different, please stop questioning why my baby slow ke ape..she's not!she's just taking her own sweet time and enjoying her childhood moments!

i still feed mysha wif bubur..but, at times mmg suap je mkn ape yg kitorang makan..xbleh tgk kitorang mkn..sure dtg and sebuk suruh suap.."nak!nak!"..kalau nmpk pisang..tunjuk2 pisang and sebut "nana..nana"..oh 1more thing..few months ago..mase mysha 1years old kot..i actually ajar mysha bace doa b4 mkn or mnum susu..but of course laa she cant follow baca dat doa..but since then, everytime nak feed her milk or mkn, we'll say baca doa..and she'll sebut "mana mana"..which is her version of "Allahummabariklana..."!hahaha!how cute!

so many things going now rite now..Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusan kami..lindungilah kami dan berikan kami kesihatan yang baik..selamat dan berjaya dunia akhirat..amin..

oh and lastly, to my beloved mum..mama, happy birthday!u're my source of strength and happiness..without u i dont think i can survive..tq for everything..i luv u so much!!!

to end this's a pic of us at Musee Du Louvre, Paris..weeeeeeeeeeee!! =)
