Monday 25 October 2010

mysha's telling a story!

anybody understand wat she's trying to story us?hehehe..=p

mama and papa luvs u so much mysha!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

so many things to do..yet so little time..

uwarrggghhhhh!!its been a while since i've updated the blog..been really busy..antaranye...busy mencube resepi itu ini..hahahah!maklumlaa..baru nak belajar masak..busy with studies..aka PhD yang tak settle2 lagik nih..busy menjage anak..ekekeke! many things to do..yet so little time..doa2 mudah2an Allah permudahkan urusan kitorang di perantauan nih..i've got exactly a year and I should be done with my, mampukah abes on time?hrmm..we'll wait and see..based on my progression..mcm tak sempat..uwarrgghh!!nnt elauns dah takde..camne nak hidup?camne nak bayar sewa?camne nak beli makanan?camne nak shopping?huhuhu..caiyok caiyok..kene gaks capai target..although slow..but harap2nye aderlaa progression jugak..daripada kosong kan..hrmm..

i really miss my be honest, i really miss my mum and dad..miss having them here with us..main2 with mysha..and i am really sure mysha pon miss tokma and tokpa dier..dis little girl dah pandai sebut banyak perkataan dah..and dier suke nyanyi..sambil kerut2 dahi..hehehe!tp xpenah dapat nak record coz everytime i have the camera on, she'll go towards the, xdelaa yg dpt direkod..huhu!

uwaaaaaaaaaaa...nak balik malaysiaaaaaa...or nak papa and mama datang siniiiiiiiiiiiii...rindu rindu rindu!am crying while writing this post.. ='(

nnt smbg lain..xde mood laa arini..later!


Friday 1 October 2010

makan makan..makan lagik! from one of my previous entry..i've confessed that i'm not good in the, since my parents balik..rajin plak buat makan2 kat cardiff nih..haha!ntah kenape ntah..padehal bkn reti masak sgt..seronok kot dpt kumpul wif frens ramai2 and borak2..release tension..since 1st syawal, every weekend smp esok (sabtu)..ader lagik jemputan open house!org2 kat sini they tend to invite da whole cardiff keluarga for open, in my case..i xlarat nak masak, kene jemput sket2 dulu..and xdpt nak jemput semua skali...besides, xde periuk belanga yg besar!huhu..last nite buat mkn2 again..we invited rizal & family, kak zu & family and kak gee & was sort of a farewell dinner for rizal since he's going back to msia for good!harap2nye next year's our turn balik msia for good!insyaAllah..aminnnnn!!bln syawal ni mkn lg banyak sbb asyik2 aderrrrrrrrrr je open house!huhu..

uwaaaaa!!tetibe teringat kat keje yg bertimbun2 nih..serabutnyeeee!!tired tired..:'(