Thursday 19 February 2009

its almost end of february!

didnt have time to write in january..was really bz wif things..errgghhhh..skang pon rase cam xcukup mase jer..tup tup its now almost end of february..which means..i'm due in another 9 weeks!!weehhooo!!!pretty excited..1st dah makin kuat menendang and mengguling2 dlm perut..hehehe!even hubby could feel it if he puts his hand on my stomach..kuasa Allah sungguh..Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusan sepanjang ku mengandung & melahirkan kandungan ini..sihat sejahtera, cukup sifatnya, sihat akal fikirannya dan cantik rupanya..

well..basically so many things happened in january and february..earlier in january, my parents and lil bro came to southampton..stayed here for 2-3 days..brought them to portsmouth for shopping!lil bro was really so many things there!huhuh..

then, late january..the midwife suspect i've got diabetes during pregnancy coz my sugar level was at border line..after 2weeks monitoring own sugar level (sakit ooo kene cucuk amik darah sendiri everyday!!) and had a scan at 30th week, my results show dat i'm low, xyah check darah dah..but, can always do it if i want coz i got that thing for free!hehehe!

we have also decided to find a 2bedroom flat to wont be comfortable for the baby to be staying in a studio..with my parents coming here to take care of me during my confinement..and alhamdulillah..dpt 2bedroom flat at lilac road..which is much more nearer compared to broadlands road (ramai giler melayu kat broadlands road ok!huhuh!). At least da road to university tak, less tiring i suppose..Alhamdulillah jugak request to default contract hall dah lulus..lulus within a day jer!weehooo!!i submitted the request a month earlier coz my frens kate it may take up to a month..aleh2, my case sehari je dah lulus..huhuhu!syukur syukur..segala urusan dipermudahkan..

now, i'm still struggling with my draft nak siap by b4 the baby's due..but, uwaaaaa!!sempat ke nih?i really hope things go as planned..insyaAllah..caiyok caiyok!hahahaha!poyos jer..bile dtg penyakit M.A.L.A.S..just dun feel like doing anything..lepak2 and watch tv?sangat membuang mase..i know i know!hehehe..

oklaa..gtg..merajinkan diri kat ofis..oh btw,hubby's coming again tonight!yeehuuu!!
